Posted by Decapitated Dan |

Monocyte #2 Review

Issue: Monocyte #2
Writers: Menton3, Kasra Ghanbari
Artist: Menton3
Covers: Menton3 (Cover A), Riley Rossmo (Cover B), Bill Sienkiewicz (Incentive Cover)
Side Stories: Ben Templesmith (w/a), Alan Hubbard (w) & Chris Newman (a)
Publisher: IDW
Release Date: December 2011
Pages: 36
Price: $3.99

“Monocyte begins his death march towards the Olignostic city, fending off relentess attacks in his path to destroy their immortality machinery. Meanwhile, a powerless Olignostic seizes on Monocyte’s appearance to acquire power.”

Dying Breath: 4.5 out of 5
OH MY! This is one book where I find myself asking myself “How can I even put this into words?” The artwork in this book is beyond GORE-Geous. From the amazing covers to the jaw dropping interiors followed up by the lettering, this book is just off the charts. One panel in particular gave this book a perfect score on the artwork, and it was an aerial view of what was happening. The fact that this panel entered into the mind of Menton3, shows how his artistic vision is beyond what others are doing. And hey the more decapitations the better. The story is a mind game of sorts, especially since I use those words to describe it. It takes what a comic should be and makes it so poetic that I don’t even realize I am looking at a picture book. The dialogue both external and in internal has this dark futuristic feel to it, that sets the tone so well. The backup stories shine like in the issue prior, giving more depth to the cast. Before I knew it the book was over and I am now acting like a addict craving more. So excuse me while I go convulse in the corner. Run to your comic shop to get issue #2 and invite this dark futuristic tale of fantasy and horror into your life.

Artwork: 5.0 out of 5 • Story: 4.5 out of 5

If you would like to buy or know more about Monocyte #2 you can find it at