Posted by Decapitated Dan |

Horror Comic Roundup - 8/13/2013

Horror Comic Roundup Image drawn by Travis Wayne Pursell, colors by Decapitated Dan

Welcome to the Horror Comic Roundup! Join Decapitated Dan,  Billy Dunleavy and friends each week as they review new and old Horror Comics that you will either be dying to read or terrified to check out!

Abe Sapien #5 (Dark Horse)
Billy Dunleavy: The best has been saved for last in this fifth issue of Abe Sapien! Mignola and Arcudi have been hinting that this craziness involving these monsters has something to do with Abe, and also, possibly Liz as well. There’s a lot of set up and character development in this issue which some might think makes it slow, but in reality, it isn’t. By issues end though, we see an agent of the BPRD betraying his friends to someone that has some very evil plans for the world and everyone in it indeed. If you’ve been keeping pace with the regular BPRD title ( as well as the other mini’s) you’ll be more informed, but rest assured, you’ll not be lost if this is all new to you as all will be revealed sooner than later! It appears that the title will take a month off, and not be back until some time in October. As long as the return keeps pace with the series so far, that’s OK by me.  Rating 4.5

Decapitated Dan: When I read Abe Sapien, I feel like I am reading the drama title of the Hellboy’verse and I LOVE IT! This issue finishes off a 2 issue arc and it was full of everything I needed to say I am now an Abe Sapien fan. I love this artwork Fiumara and colors by Stewart, it has so much depth to it, and really carries the tone of the story so well.  The writing by Mignola and Arcudi pulled at me from so many levels. With any book in this universe now, you have the overarching feeling of dread, just do to how much misery is spreading across the world. Add to that Abe being feared and yet loved by people he meets, and it’s just that damn good, page after page. Plain and simple, read Abe Sapien. - Dying Breath 4.5 out of 5.0

Beneath (Glass Eye Pix)
Decapitated Dan: I’m not 100% sure, but I do think that this book relates to a movie in some way (based on the wording on the cover). Needless to say, man what a great comic book! There is simply no way to say it, other then, I was not expecting it to be this good. The story is based on this horribly ugly monster fish that lives in a lake, and the only way to stay safe from it, is to have the tooth of it’s now dead partner fish. So flash forward to he 70’s and enter the death scenes! This story had me in love with it as soon as I saw people were doing everything you shouldn’t do in a horror movie. It comes across as a one shot, that needs to be turned into a mini-series. If you have the privilege of coming across this book, don’t pass it up, read it! - Dying Breath 4.5 out of 5.0

Burn the Orphanage #1(Image)
Denise Dutton: A horrible past, a tantalizing mystery, and a man’s quest for the truth. Sounds promising, yes? Hold it right there. Everything gets tied up by the end of this issue, with nothing more than so-so chop socky. Sina Grace’s art is top notch, but the story (co-written with Daniel Freedman) is nothing more than a cool idea that gets rushed out the door too soon. Add bad guy characters that feel like they’ve come from the Snidely Whiplash School Of Ham, and an ending that peters out (lost it’s own steam, I assume), and this is a three part miniseries that really needs to step up it’s game. Because this issue is just so much style without substance. (2 out of 5)

Dark Shadows #19 (Dynamite)
Billy Dunleavy: Lockwood is on the loose and eating his way through a small town. Meanwhile, Carolyn and her mother get into an argument, and things are getting shaky at the house. David and his girlfriend (a vampire now), are hiding out in his closet, and that will obviously not last long. As they head out to try and convince her parents to help, they unknowingly are being stalked by Grace and Barnabas (well, his evil persona). Willie, Jackie, Quentin, and the others set out on a vampire hunting trip, because they know if they don’t get to them first, they’ll end up being bitten, and either killed, or enslaved! Another solid issue that seems to be dangling on the edge of a huge blow out! It looks like next issue will be huge!  Rating 4/5

End Times #3 (Horrorgeddon Comics)
Decapitated Dan: Horror Anthologies are the life blood of Horror Comics, and I am happy to say that End Times should be one of those coursing through your horror veins. Vin Davis and Company are back with issue #3 and it is full of AGH-Mazing content. Personally I really enjoyed the fortune teller story. It had that you will get what you got coming feel of old school horror books like Tales From the Crypt. The artwork on every story is GORE-Geous, and I really love how Davis does his panels sans lines. I think it helps the story breath a fresh air into your creepy lungs. This issue also contains a prose story, to mix things up a bit, and I really like that. I think when you can mix it up and still have the whole issue feel complete, it’s just win win. End Times is a Horror Anthology that is not to be missed! - Dying Breath 4.0 out of 5.0

Fatale #16 (Image)
Billy Dunleavy: In a setting that resembles a Beatles movie, Josephine has entranced some male youths, all the while her friend Gavin, is looking for her. A local cop that met Josephine when he was a kid is hot on her trail, and even a good con-woman can only juggle so many men at one time. An issue packed with sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll, is what you’ll get in this installment. Some of it seems gratuitous, and some fits fine. The pace is solid, and Phillips artwork is pretty good too. Not the best he’s done on this series, but definitely good.  Rating 3.5/5

The Final Plague #2 (Action Lab Danger Zone)
Billy Dunleavy: Vampires, werewolves, zombies, yes, they’re all scary...well, sometimes, but things that creep and crawl can also be scary. In The Final Plague, some kind of diseased rats are running amok, and ripping unsuspecting citizens to pieces. An autopsy on one of the rats shows that they might just be tougher than cockroaches to kill, and that is something that is very interesting. Not limited to just rats though, this infectious disease affects anything it gets inside! The story is messed up, and in a good way. You get the creeps just reading this book! The artwork is raw, but serviceable, and quite frankly, compliments the story well.  Rating 4/5

Helheim #6 (Oni Press)
Decapitated Dan: What! It’s over? NO!!!!!! Wait, what’s this? He will return! YAY!!!! This series had it all. The writing was always on point, and always left me wanting more and more. Even in this “finale” issue, it’s still has me wanting more, due to the climactic and AGH-Mazing ending. Cullen Bunn you bastard, I LOVE IT! Huge props on this series have to go to Filardi too, because that man drew some of the most GORE-Geous artwork of the year. His monsters, demons, zombies, witches, humans and scenes were all above and beyond! Helheim, you better come back soon, because this series was at the top of the Horror Class in 2013! - Dying Breath 5.0 out of 5.0

Ten Grand #4 (Image Comics)
Decapitated Dan: Does it get any better then Ten Grand? I mean that, does it? This issue has hit 2013 like a fireball, just burning up the rest of the books on the shelves to make way for how GORE-Geous it is on all levels. The story by JMS just keeps getting deeper and deeper. This issue proves that all roads lead to hell, and to get there Joe has to kick some inbetween monsters asses. I am just in love with how this is playing out. Add to that the artwork by Templesmith, which seems to just get better with each issue, and it’s easy to see why this is the best new comic, of any genre, to come out in 2013. - Dying Breath 5.0 out of 5.0

Wilder Preview (Daniand Studios/Monsterverse)
Decapitated Dan: A preview issue like no other! I mean that too, because there was something very special and hilarious about this book that I will get to in a moment. This issue serves as a basic intro to Wilder, and I do mean basic because it seems to just lead up to where issue #1 will take off. The story by Kidwell is perfect, but short (it is a preview after all). If I am being honest, I was hooked when I heard Kidwell and Mangum were doing a comic. It didn’t matter if it was about unicorns, I was going to read it. The artwork by Andrew is always on point in this issue, and it just helps solidify how amazing the first issue will be once it comes out. Now onto the funny bit of the comic. There is a PSA on one of the final pages that just had my sides in stitches. I won’t ruin anything, but I will say this, if you see Mark or Andrew at a show, buy this preview book for that short alone! I can not wait for Wilder to come out, and you shouldn't either preorder it now!!! - Dying Breath 4.5 out of 5.0