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Decapitated Dan
Where's My Money Going - May 2014
If I were rich, I would probably buy every single comic in print, too bad I’m not though. So when I sit down each month with the new Previews Catalog I have to watch my budget, and pre-order my books wisely. So here is here is where my money on this month.
‘68 Rule of War #4 (Image Comics)
Why I am spending my money on it: If I said it once, I said it one million times, ‘68 is hands down the best Zombie Comic in print. This creative team never misses a beat, and I doubt they ever will. It all comes down to doing what you love, and you can tell by reading this mini series, or any of the others, that these guys LOVE this. Don’t be surprised when you see this one win Awards at the end of the year. So good, SO DAMN GOOD!
Caliban #4 (Avatar Press)
Why I am spending my money on it: Space the final. . . CREEPY ASS THING THAT SCARES ME TO DEATH! Sure only two issues are out, but DAMN they were good. I love the mystery and suspense that is building, and it’s only going to get better. Ennis and Percio are working on a modern Horror/Sci-Fi masterpiece and it’s always going to get my money. It’s not too late to jump on board people!
Eerie Comics #5 (Dark Horse)
Why I am spending my money on it: I guess at this point it’s easy to say that Creepy and Eerie are what we come to expect a good anthology to be. Now sure Eerie plays more on the Sci-Fi, but it’s still always a solid read for me. As long as the book is in print, I’ll be on board. Plus this issue has work by John Arcudi and I like his work.
Extinction Parade: War #1 (Avatar Press)
Why I am spending my money on it: Other then the AGHH-Mazing first series, I’ve never really read anything Max Brooks related. That first series though left me craving more, and this is what I need. Now unless things change, this does read more as an illustrated novel, but it’s seriously to die for. With great visuals by Raulo Caceres again, this is a series not to be missed. Side note: If you missed the first series you can grab the trade in this month’s Previews too.
John Carpenter’s Asylum #8 (Storm King Productions)
Why I am spending my money on it: Why would I not spend my money on this is the better question. This series has been nothing but a non-stop thrill ride since issue #1, and I doubt it will ever let up. The creative team holds nothing back, and if you don’t think that Leonardo Manco’s artwork is just Drop Dead GORE-Geous, I wonder about your mental state. This book is a no brainer when it comes to taking my money.
Lenore Vol. 2 #10 (Titan Comics)
Why I am spending my money on it: How can I not buy the funniest comic on the stands when it comes out! Roman Dirge always, and I will say that again... ALWAYS delivers with this comic. The artwork is full of so much life, and then you get to the story that leaves your sides in stitches. I wish it came out more often, but instead I see it as a big treat when I get a new issue. You should all be reading this book.
Littlest Zombie Summer Special (Antarctic Press)
Why I am spending my money on it: Antarctic Press always delivers on their Horror titles. Whether they are serious in nature like The Last Zombie, or they are about this fantastic character called The Littlest Zombie, they always get my money. TLZ is like that relative you LOVE to see and hang out with, but only get to on special occasions. I always get excited when a new TLZ book is announced because it’s always going to be a scary fun read. If you are new to the character, this should be a great introduction, but be careful because you will get hooked.
Locke & Key: Crown of Shadows #1 100 Penny Press (IDW)
Why I am spending my money on it: Plain and simple, I am a Locke & Key junkie. Yes I already have this issue, yes I have the variant cover, yes I have the hard cover, but damn it... I don’t have this cover yet! If it says Locke & Key I just have to have it. Best Comic Book Series EVER. . . yes you read the right. . . EVER!
Rachel Rising #27 (Abstract Studios)
Why I am spending my money on it: Before I go and explain why this gets my money, just go buy this book. It’s the best comic in print today. Now, you really need more of a reason, lets do some simple math. A story by Terry Moore is worth, lets say $1,000. 24 pages of Terry Moore artwork, and we are looking at $12,000. So already this book should cost you $13,000. But Terry is so damn generous, that he is willing to sell it to you for over 3000% off at $3.99. THAT’S THE BEST VALUE IN COMICS TOO! So now you have the Best Comic in Print AND the Best Value in Comics. . . seems like a no brainer to me. BUY IT!
Swampmen Muck Monsters (TwoMorrows Publishing)
Why I am spending my money on it: You had me at Swampmen. What more needs to be said then the fact that you have a book covering The Heap, Man-Thing, Swamp Thing, The Bog and more. Hell I bet they even talk about some I don’t know about, and then I will have to go out and buy those comics. Ah, what a wonderful world we live in.
Uber #15 (Avatar Press)
Why I am spending my money on it: I love a lot of War comics, and when Uber came out, I just had a feeling, like I knew this book was for me. With 12 issues now out, it’s not only for me, but it’s for everyone. I love how this book had come together, how it built on actual events and is now taking off on it’s on alternate time line. The concept, the execution, it’s all perfect. . . seriously it’s PERFECT. This one will always get my money.
Weird Love #2 (IDW/Yoe Books)
Why I am spending my money on it: If it ain’t superheroes I’ll take a look at a comic, I mean Horror, War and Comedy are typically where I spend the money, but Romance may be the new thing for me. To add some icing on the cake though you tell me that this is also from the Yoe Books team. Now I’m sold. These guys collect the best old school horror in Haunted Horror, so why wouldn’t I expect them to supply me with the world’s best old school love stories too. Until they break my heart, they will get my money.