Posted by Decapitated Dan |

Decapitated Dan Retires?

I come to you today with some sad, but exciting news in the world of Decapitated Dan. Did you know that it was WAAAAAAAY back in June of 2009 that I did my first official comic book review? That was almost 5 years ago! In those 5 short years I have done over 700 reviews, and now I think it is time to do things in a new way.

Now I am not saying that I will not review books anymore, but I am going to start being more selective when it comes to what I review. For instance, instead of reviewing a single issue I will do an entire story arc or mini series. So obviously Terror Tweets will be coming to an end.

Life is busy, and working a full time job and everything else in between is leaving little time for me to read these days. I am also wanting to concentrate on building the Monsters & Metal and Ghastly Award brands. In order to do that I need to take a step back from other things.

I love comics, and never made a cent doing reviews or interviews. It was all out of a love of sharing what I was enjoying. I’m sure many of you know I am no English major, and my reviews could be found full of typos, which again did not bother me, because I was just doing it to spread the love of the media.

So I will not be going away completely, I will just be around less. I want to thank you for allowing me to share my love of your work with the world. And don’t worry, I will still be around reminding you each and every month about the Ghastly Awards, or about a new episode of Monsters & Metal or Tales from the Water Cooler.

Thank you for your time,

Decapitated Dan