Posted by Decapitated Dan |

Deep Discussions with Decapitated Dan: Sami Makkonen

I recently had a chance to talk to Sami Makkonen, artist of Deadworld: Restoration, about the upcoming Mini-Series and more. Check it out: 

Decapitated Dan: Hey Sami  thanks for taking time to talk with me about Deadworld: Restoration. First of all lets talk about you. Who are you and what do you do?

Sami Makkonen:
I`m a comic book artist, done books like Deadworld: Slaughterhouse and War of the Dead and Hatter M. volumes 2-4. And just started doing vol. 5. I also just finished Ryse: Sword of Damocles, based on Microsoft game Ryse: Son of Rome.

DD: How did you find yourself getting into making comics?

SM: I`ve been a comics fan all my life basically. And  I can remember working for american comics industry was my dream as early as on 3rd. grade of elementary school. Probably even before that. I drew all the time and didn`t pay so much attention to other school subjects. Got to an art high school and continued drawing. I graduated from Tartu University chair of painting but decided to jump back to comics pretty soon afterwards. Won a comics competition in Finland but I knew the real business existed in the States. So I sent a portfolio and after that one project has led me to next one and everything has been great.

DD: So what can you tell me about Deadworld: Restoration?

SM: This is my third Deadworld book with writer Gary Reed. Coming out this December from IDW it continues the story where we left it with War of the Dead. There is even more happening here in terms of action, lots of interesting characters are being brought in and even more zombies being put down.

DD: What’s it all about?

SM: As before it`s a tale of survival. The zombies have been on the planet for LONG time and we find now that there are interesting plans being developed to get them off there. But even more it is a tale about humans and how they are the real monsters or the evil of the story. This of course is very true about the human nature: when things get rough people can do pretty bad things...

DD: You have a very unique art style that really fits the grittiness of this story well, so I ask, what inspirations do you have that lead to this?

SM: I love abstract expressionism and expressionistic  artists. I love their intensivity and mood and I`m trying to give that kind of things to my comics. The earth is ruined by the zombie plague in Deadworld so obviously I play more with rough textures and lighting and not so much with colors even though there is more colors used in the Restoration than there was in War of the Dead. I`m a long time zombie fan: I watched the Romero classics again an again years ago when I was under age. And in fact I still have some plot designs and drawings for a zombie story I wanted to do as early as back in elementary school.

DD: What are you hoping readers can take away from this Chapter of Deadworld?

SM: I think the storyline is more solid than ever: Gary has managed to write a very compelling, movie like script. We are examining this dystopia through a bunch of different groups and result is very cohesive and complete view to this world. Artistically thinking this is a next step in what I`m trying to approach visually. I have used a variety of new techniques. More colorful art but still very dark in sense of atmosphere and mood.

DD: Can we expect more from you horror comic wise in the future?

SM: Most certainly. Although I`m doing Hatter M. at the moment I still consider horror as my main genre. Hopefully Deadworld sales are big enough so we can continue this series too. I think in many ways it is the most original zombie story line out there.

DD: So where can readers find out more about this book?

SM: From the puplisher`s site and sites and for example. I`m on Twitter and Facebook too where I try to post all the news.

DD: Thanks so much for your time Sami.

SM: Thanks Dan!