Posted by
Decapitated Dan
Tales From the Water Cooler #178

Welcome to Tales From the Water Cooler!
Join Infinite Speech, Decapitated Dan, The Comic Book Clergyman and the Canadian Websliger each week as they gather around the water cooler of stories to talk about comics.
Listen in this week as the guys talk about Donald Glover voicing Miles Morales in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon, the passing of Mike Deodato Sr., Grant Morrison's Multiversity confusion, Update on Marvel/Netflix and the tone of Daredevil. Then they dive into this weeks picks Nova #20, Magneto #8 and New Avengers #23.
All that and more can be found here, each week on Tales From the Water Cooler!
And don't forget to LIKE us on Facebook!
Click here to download this weeks show.