Avatar Press' New Releases for 10/1/14:
Crossed: Badlands #62
DAVID LAPHAM returns to the brutal world of Crossed with a crime story
told both before and after the Crossed outbreak! Lapham’s vision for
the misery of the Crossed is unparalleled. A father is pushed to the
brink when his family is tortured by a horrific thug. But then C-Day
happened and the World changed. A mystery to solve gets much harder in a
World of psychotics! There is no help and there is no hope. There is
only the Crossed. Available with Regular and Red Crossed Incentive
covers by Gabriel Andrade, Torture cover by Rafa Ortiz, Wraparound cover
by German Erramouspe, and Fatal Fantasy cover by Matt Martin.
God is Dead #21
Mike Costa has shown us the second coming of the god wars and brought
back the risen savior of Christianity only to see the world continue to
evolve into a haven of misery. Now as the gods we thought were dead and
gone begin to return for vengeance, what will stop them before they
burn the very earth to a cinder? Available with a Regular, End of
Days, and Iconic covers by Jacen Burrows, a Carnage Wraparound cover by
German Nobile, and a special Gilded Retailer Incentive Cover also by
Uber #18
With the realization that the Nazis have pulled far ahead of the Allies
in development Ubers, hope starts to fade and some greater gambles are
taken with the few Allied Heavy Tank-Men that remain in hopes of turning
the tide. aDesperation is the currency of the hour with no end in
sight to the horrors of enhanced human warfare. Kieron Gillen and
Daniel Gete spin a new chapter of fear and genocide in the pages of the
most devastating war coming being published. Available with
Regular& Wraparound covers by Daniel Gete, Propaganda Poster cover
by Michael DiPascale, and War Crimes and Blitzkrieg Incentive covers by
Caanan White.