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Decapitated Dan's Best of 2015: Metal Albums #20 - #11
Well it’s the end of the year, and what better way to recap it than by making a list! So check out what Metal Albums I liked best in 2015!
I am by no means a music expert, I just love Metal. I'm not a music
reviewer by any means, however in 2013 I started a little podcast called
Monsters & Metal.
this monthly show I get a chance to play some amazing music from all
over the globe. So I can't have just a Top 10, instead I have a Top 35!
So I started with with my 15 Honorable Mentions, so now let's move on to #20 - #11.Please note that I do not have the time to sit and listen to albums all day, so from what I heard these are my picks.
#20) Moonspell - Extinct
There is just something in Fernando Ribeiro's voice that draws me in, song after song. This is a solid album that was great from start to finish. Highlight Track: Breathe
#19) Act of Defiance - Birth and the Burial
Love the guitar work on these tracks. The metal vocal moments are solid, but I think I give my big nod to the harmonies. Loved this albums intensity. Highlight Track: Thy Lord Belial
#18) Nightland - Obsession
You talk about an album that has it all, it's Obsession. The way that the band brought all of this together was so damn good. You have some great crunch moments, mixed with these amazing vocals, and the vocal layers are fluid. It all poured into my head and screamed, this is complete. Amazing stuff. Highlight Track: A.R.E.S.
#17) The Darkness - Last of our Kind
God damn it I love this band. The Darkness is my go to for a good time. If I'm in a shitty mood I'd throw on a track and just pick myself back up. Plus how can you not love Justin Hawkins voice? And yeah. I know its more on the rock side, but it's so good! Highlight Track: Barbarian
#16) Embryo - Embryo
I loved the intensity on this album. The pacing was amazing on all the songs, and it never let up. Plus the double vocals always get me right between the ears. Highlight Track: Manipulate My Consciousness
#15) Black Fast - Terms of SurrenderThis album is much like the second word in the name of the band, fast. Now I don't typically go for Thrash, but the way this band is described sums it up, Blackened Thrash. Maybe that is what I like, who knows, but I know I like this. Solid stuff. Highlight Track: Tongues of Silver
#14) Abiotic - Casuistry
Abiotic could possibly one of the only all over the place bands I love. I know they are listed as Progressive Death Metal, but to me the sound is all over the place. So what draws me to this band? The drums are through the roof, the double vocals are amazing, and those guitars... oh man those guitars. I freaking love this album. Highlight Track: Violent Scriptures
#13) Dog Fashion Disco - Ad Nauseam
Two DFD albums in two years, I must be in heaven! I will always have a spot in my heart for this band, and this was another top notch album. The mixture of metal and jazz has never been done better. DFD 4-EVER! Highlight Track: Golden Mirage
#12) Tainted - Into Tempation
When I first heard this album it was on non-stop rotation. The way everything came together here is just jaw dropping good. No track was a letdown, and it is all packaged perfectly. I really hope this band hits the States someday. I would love to see them live. Highlight Track: Torch the Ground
#11) Khemmis - Absolution
This is my slow jam, right here. This was a low, so peaceful and moving masterpiece. There is not a moment where I'm not slowly headbanging, or moving. The vocals are out of this world too. I think this might have been the album I told the most people about in 2015. Highlight Track: Torn Asunder
So there you have it, my #20 - #11 albums for 2015! Make sure to check back for picks #10 - #1.
• Note: It was not easy to make this list. There are so many great metal albums that come out each year, so I say to you, create your own list and let the world know what stood out to you.